4 Things That Are Holding You Back From Higher Cash Months
Feb 01, 2023
This post is about the 4 things that are holding you back from higher cash months. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free VIBEY Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business. You can also follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey! PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 5 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. If you’re looking for year-long inspiration and mentorship, I have a year long experience called Becoming where you get access to ALL of my programs, a private Telegram community for sisterhood, AND monthly group biz Q+A sessions. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
Hello, my love!!! Welcome back to another episode of Radiant and Rich. In this episode we're gonna be talking about Four Things That Are Holding You Back From Higher Cash Months.
The truth is, I made pretty much all of these mistakes, a lot of them this year, and some in the years before. And I just feel like this episode is going to be extremely refreshing for you, especially if you've been doing any of the things that I'm going to mention, because a lot of them are myths, or just things you might be doing that you're not realizing.
#1 You're not consistently talking about and selling your higher ticket offer(s) (1:1, Mastermind, Intensives, higher priced signature group program)
Maybe you’re only mentioning your higher ticket offers a couple times a month. But people need to hear you talk about it consistently AND with the same messaging that’s really clear.
This is what it is. This is who it’s for. 3 desires + 1-2 pin points. Add testimonials at the end.
My highest months always come from pay in full for higher offers. I had a 17K cash day when I signed a pay in full 1:1 client and Mastermind client on the same day.
If you aren’t having high cash months - look at what you are selling. Are you selling a low ticket Masterclass for most of the month and then NEVER mentioning your 1:1 coaching or your Voxer?
The way that I like to sell:
Blend “soft selling” and ‘’hard selling” into my week.
3 X/week soft sell
1-2X/week hard sell (unless I’m in a full blown launch)
In that case: I like to do 2 week selling sprints where I consistently talk about a free masterclass/low-mid ticker offer every day for 2 weeks. Unless it's a high ticket like a MM - maybe I would give it 3 weeks.
But people need to hear about your offer from all of the different angles so you need to give them time to really understand what it is, how it’s going to help them solve their problem, the transformation, how they will feel, the testimonials, your story, your results, what they will learn.
Give people time! If you are only mentioning your offer a couple times a month it’s not enough.
Soft Sell via Email List + IG Stories.
Via Email list: Add a PS to the end of my emails. PS Ascension MM waitlist is open for enrollment! This is for you if you want: list out 3 desires and 1-2 pin points.
Via IG Stories: 2-3X/week: I soft sell - 2-3 story slides of me mentioning an offer (MM, 1:1 coaching, Voxer coaching) M/W/F - It’s not a hard “in your face” let me talk on stories for 2 minutes kind of a sell. It's a simple one - Keep the messaging really basic with - this is what it is, this is who it’s for (include 3 desires + 1-2 pin points)
I consistently do this with these 3 offers ( MM/Voxer/1:1) eventually people catch on that it’s available and I started receiving a LOT MORE inquiries in my DM’s about it all.
Mentioning it just a couple times a month doesn't work.
1-2 HARD SELL during the week where I do a face to cam and sell the shit out of it with a lot of passion.
Thinking you need to launch a new offer every single month or sell multiple offers a day or just be in a big big creator mode with launching tons of offers all the time. MYTH: TONS OF OFFERS = MORE MONEY.
Back in 2020 I had a simple offer suite. I started with a Mastermind, launched it every 3 months, and was hitting consistent $10K-15K months.
In 2021: I had the Mastermind, 1:1 coaching, and a group program that I launched 2X that year. I was having consistent $20K cash months from recurring revenue from the MM, 1:1 clients
Then this year I decided that I wanted to launch lots of offers because I saw my mentor having 12 consecutive 100K cash months, I was also in Alpha Femme’s world for a year in her AFE - watching them launching offers every single month so I wanted to tap into my creativity and try it out!
I launched 5 offers this year ranging in price from $222-$2222 and I didn’t have a single 10K launch for any of the offers.
I did notice that there was client retention because in my offer I just launched Codes to Cash- - ALL of them had been in an offer with me before.
I did notice that once someone invested into one of the offers, they mostly re-invested into the next offers.
So I was thinking that if I had a lot of women join my group program -I would give them the experience of their life and then upsell them into the MM! ACTUALLY only 1 girl appealed from a $1500 Group offer into a MM.
I believe this is because of 1 of 2 things.
- Once someone completes an 8 week program, they need some time to integrate what they learned. They may not be ready for a longer, higher touch program. An ideal client for a group program is completely different from an Ideal client for a MM. someone who joins Radiant + Rich (femme energy program) isn’t necessarily the exact same ICA for someone who would want to join 4 month business mastermind. If your strategy to fill a Mastermind is: I must fill my 8 week group program AND THEN fill the mastermind off the back of it.. It could work. But not the best. This is the kind of thing I teach inside of my Ascension Mastermind - the best practices and launch practices for filling 1:1, Masterminds, Group programs, free events, low ticket paid events, etc. The way I launch and market a MM is different from a low ticket paid events. If you’re looking to get more strategic with your business and learn how to launch different things properly and nail your marketing, messaging, and visibility around it, I would join the waitlist for Ascension - the link is in the show notes.
- The other reason why not as many joined the mastermind this year was because I wasn’t focused on selling or even mentioning the 1:1/Voxer/Mastermind. I was probably only mentioning my 1:1 or my MM a couple times per month because I was always focused on creating/launching and selling the group programs. I was always in launch mode for the group programs, rarely mentioning the higher ticket. It’s like I said with mistake #1 - you have to talk about something consistently. 3X/week soft selling your high ticket stuff.
Ultimately - what is the offer that you really just want to be your main event? I believe every coach should have one signature offer that is longer - 4 months/6 months/1 year - that’s also a high ticket so you can start building up that recurring revenue via payment plans.
4 month Mastermind $1500/month - have 10 women in it consistently - $15,000 cash per month. Why wouldn’t you start off creating some sort of higher ticket group program/longer term mid-high ticket offer and then have it be your main event, become known for it, and grow your brand with it.
Then when that is built up, you have a sought after brand, you’ve gotten results, a solid 6 months or more of recurring revenue with your CORE offer, 1:1 clients, Voxer, THEN you can have fun creating an offer suite!
This year for me - especially with my open sacral - I got tired of creating and launching creating and launching all year. I was thinking that if I had 4-5 Group programs>> ranged in price from $222 >> $1888. BUT I also did a “pre-sale” of them so most people bought at the pre-sale price anyways and not at the full price.
I should do a mini episode on pre-sales and my opinion on them because I don’t know if I’m going to offer pre-sale prices anymore.
It wasn’t great for my nervous system to rely on the smaller offers to grow my income.
It makes sense when you pull away from your higher ticket offers to create an offer suite, if you don’t have an established brand you’re going to take an income dip. I knew I was going to take an income dip this year and I was prepared for it. The difference from last year and this year was 50k.
#3 Charging a lower price for your offers because you think more will join that way.
I believe it’s just as hard to fill a higher ticket offer as it is a small offer.
I just launched a super fucking valuable 3 week telegram container program all about how to become a sought after brand. $222
Back in May I launched Radiant and Rich my femme energetics program that was $1500 and pretty much the exact same number of women join.
I also had the same number of women join my $10k mastermind.
It’s not about the price. It’s about - what is their TOP priority/problem that they want solved? And is your messaging clear and can you really convey the value of the offer and what it will do for them?
If someone is like omg I am ready right now to invest in growing my business, and your messaging is extremely clear - you talked about the problem, their desires + the solution, you have testimonials, you know how to talk about the VALUE of the offer and what it’s going to do for them, you’ve added some emotion + logic + storytelling, and talked about it consistently from all the different angles, they are SOLD.
To a high end client - price isn’t an issue. TIME is an issue.
A high end client doesn’t want to spend years in trial and error trying to figure something out.
A high end client would rather invest a premium price to collapse the time it takes them to see a result and work with someone who is an expert at what they do.
If you’re thinking that people aren’t buying because the price is too high - it’s not that.
Your content is FEEDBACK.
If people aren’t buying your offer and you’ve been talking about the offer consistently, it’s usually either a messaging problem or a visibility problem.
Messaging being - you aren’t conveying the value of what you do in a clear and simple way that speaks to exactly what they want.
Visibility - you are talking to the same people over and over again and not getting in front of anyone new. You’ve burned your audience out.
Look at your content as FEEDBACK.
These are two things we focus on inside of Ascension.
We spend an ENTIRE MONTH teaching you messaging so that you can learn how to attract high end clients, what to focus on to consistently to be signing premium clients so you can let go of all the other tasks you might be doing (engagement), how to make tweaks in your content that result in more pay in fulls, marketing psychology of signing higher end clients.
We spend an entire month on VISIBILITY - how to get in front of NEW clients consistently, how to branch out onto other platforms without having to spend more TIME (systematize it) growing your email list consistently, collaborating, podcast, creating more powerful personal brand type content that makes you highly sought after and the go to in your industry.
Link is in the show notes to apply for the waitlist - save $500 and receive 2 weeks of Voxer support with me to strategize a game plan for 2023 to grow your recurring rev + hit high cash months, 2 hour nlp sesh with me to release disempowered beliefs and replace them with new beliefs so you can let go of old patterns and reprogram your sq.
#4: MYTH that’s keeping you from high cash months - you think that clients in YOUR audience can’t afford your coaching.
The truth: There are clients who are able to pay a premium price point in your audience right now. It’s not that they are in someone else's audience but not yours.
They are. It’s just that your messaging may not be strong enough.
I am a premium client. I was investing $2500 a month into mentorship right off the bat of my coaching and I was not rich and did not have the money. I just made it work. I was ambitious and motivated AF. I built up my brand for a year in 2017 while I had my nursing job, saved up money, and then moved to Bali with 20K in my savings.
But I invested in myself when I was making $0.
It’s like I mentioned before - premium clients aren’t interested in saving as much money as they can by investing in the cheaper option. They want to save time and quantum leap by learning the best and most efficient ways of doing things as quickly as possible, taking consistent action, and making moves. It’s not that they are rich. It’s that they are motivated.
When you nail your messaging you can speak to this type of person and call them forward.
Not signing consistent clients? YOUR CONTENT IS FEEDBACK.Look at your messaging.
Are you always saying things like: THIS IS WHY YOU’RE STRUGGLING! THIS IS WHY YOU’RE BROKE!
Well of course you’re going to attract struggling broke people - that’s who you’re speaking to
Your messaging is so important. It’s the words you’re using in your captions, what you’re saying to sell your offers, how you pitch your offers whether that’s on an IG live, at the end of a free or paid masterclass, or in your emails, your CTA at the end of a post,
Talking about an offer and no one is buying?
Better communicate the value, the transformation, who they will become on the other side. MAKE IT CLEAR + SIMPLE. You don’t need to explain in detail every single module. Just speak to: who it’s for, THIS IS FOR YOU IF:✔️You have signed some clients already AND you desire to attract even more higher paying clients with more ease 3 desires, 1-2 pin points, testimonials/results, what they will learn/walk away with.
When your messaging is clear and simple - no more pricing issues.
Your message holds the key to higher cash months. This is something we dive deep into inside of Ascension. Ascension is a 4 month MM - next cohort begins in January.
✔️You have signed some clients already AND you desire to attract even more higher paying clients with more ease
✔️How to position yourself as a premium brand who is highly sought after + filling programs consistently
✔️Launching ease-fully + Best practices for launching 1:1, Group, Masterminds
✔️High level messaging so you can bring in clients who are ready to invest at a premium level and don’t just find you “inspiring."
✔️ You're ready to start building consistent recurring revenue + learn foundations to put together a Business model set to take you to 6 figures and more
Link in the show notes to join the waitlist.
Let’s review the 4 things that are holding you back from higher cash months.
#1 You're NOT consistently talking about and selling your higher ticket offer(s) (1:1, Mastermind, Intensives, higher priced signature group program)
#2 Thinking you need to launch a new offer every single month or sell multiple offers a day or just be in a big big creator mode with launching tons of offers all the time.
#3 Charging a lower price for your offers because you think more will join that way.
#4: MYTH that’s keeping you from high cash months - you think that clients in YOUR audience can’t afford your coaching.
Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo
The waitlist for Ascension 4 month Mastermind is open for enrollment with the next cohort beginning in January. Join at the link below before December 31st and save $500 off enrollment and receive 2 weeks of 1:1 Voxer coaching to create a customized game plan and learn how you can DOUBLE your revenue in 2023.
→ Apply for Ascension Mastermind Jan 2023 Waitlist below:
→ Join The Femme Club, a Free Telegram Community full of tips, advice, and BTS moments for women ready to manifest real success in life + biz