Higher Self Era
Feb 16, 2023
This post is about the higher self era. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, BTS moments, what I’m currently working on/going through, and free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business.
Follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey!
PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 4 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
🌙Spontaneous Travel
🌙Cultivating more Feminine Shakti Energy
🌙Kundalini Yoga + Meditation
⚡️Activating my 6th chakra and intuition
⚡️Raising my vibration and frequency
⚡️EFT Tapping and more high vibrational thoughts
🌕Creating fun ceremonies and rituals
🌕Creativity out the wazoooo
It’s pretty normal to go into a “void” after a significant change happens in your life.
Whether that’s a breakup, a spiritual awakening, or something else.
A void is your chance to go inwards. To connect with your intuition. To cultivate more stillness and presence.
A void doesn’t mean that you’re going backwards or losing momentum. It’s a chance to rest after a big change in your life and it’s preparing you for the future.
Old me would have been FREAKING TF out. She didn’t want to go into her feminine. She wanted to push and achieve things in her EXTERNAL world.
She didn’t want to slow down.
But a void makes it pretty much impossible to focus on your external reality. Money slows. Clients slow. You have no choice but to go inwards.
A void FORCES you to go inwards, tap into your intuition, and trust yourself.
And what’s happening on the inside is some NEXT LEVEL SHIIIII.
I can already feel my vibration and frequency rising HIGH AF and I’m realizing how much of a scarcity, lack, icky, low vibration I’ve been the past year or so.
I feel like an entirely new human and I am going through a MASSIVE rebirth
I’m grieving the old me and a new era of me is here.
HIGHER SELF ERA, I SEE YOU. Damn it feels good.
I just had a new podcast episode drop all about How to Navigate a VOID with grace and GODDESS energy.
Are you currently in a plateau, feeling stuck or feeling like you don’t know what to do next? Maybe right now all you REALLY want to do is hermit away and be still with yourself. But your inner masculine is JUDGING you because you’re not out there DOING and ACHIEVING!
I’ve been navigating a void the past 3 weeks after my breakup and I have SO MUCH WISDOM to share with you inside of this episode!
Inside we cover 👇🏻
✔What is a “void” and how to know that you’re in one
✔BTS of my kundalini awakening
✔How to romanticize TF out of your void and navigate it with grace
✔How to cultivate more feminine energy and honor the stillness
✔What this void is trying to teach you
You don’t want to miss it! 🎙️
Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo
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Connect & Work with Laura:
→ Join The Femme Club, a Free Telegram Community full of trainings, advice, and BTS moments for women ready to manifest real success in life + biz: www.lauraniese.com/telegramsignup
→ Vedic Astrology Reading as Mentioned in the Episode: https://www.instagram.com/kenreadsjyotish
→ APPLY for Ascension Mastermind: www.lauraniese.com/ascensionmastermind
→ Connect on IG @thefemme_ceo
→ VITALITY VOXER 2 MONTH MENTORSHIP Please click the link to complete this form.