The Daily Ritual that gets me into a Juicy, Receptive Flow State
Feb 01, 2023
This post is about The Daily Ritual that gets me into a Juicy, Receptive Flow State. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free VIBEY Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business. You can also follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey! PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support - I have a 5 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. If you’re looking for year-long inspiration and mentorship, I have a year long experience called Becoming where you get access to ALL of my programs, a private Telegram community for sisterhood, AND monthly group biz Q+A sessions. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.
Hello my loves and welcome back to another episode of Radiant + Rich. I’m your host, Laura Niese, teaching you how to create your most luxe freedom based life.
If you feel like you have been PUSHING a lot in regards to your business, or you feel like things have felt a bit forced, and you desire to come back into a juicy, receptive flow state, this episode is for you!
So we are nearing the end of 2022 and I will say, this year felt a lot harder than the years for me in terms of signing clients and filling programs and Masterminds. Last year I had just 2 offers - my Mastermind and my 1:1 coaching. This year I created 5 new programs. It was a lot for me in terms of always being turned on with my creativity, launching consistently, and just being in a creator mode most of the time.
So now we are towards the end of 2022 and whew! Upon reflection, I’m realizing that I wasn’t really in that much of a receptive/receiving mode for most of 2022. And now I’m deeply craving more of that leaned back, easy breezy natural, effortless manifestation receiving type vibes.
I’m CRAVING to be in my magnetic feminine essence.
AND I can tell that I’m not super in my feminine because lately sales and cash flow has felt harder.
And my natural response to this when my monthly income goes down or I haven’t been signing as many clients into my world is that I want to PUSH. I want to LAUNCH. I want to DO something.
And this time, I caught myself.
I was like nah… I know this pattern. When that scarcity comes up my first impulse is to get into my Masculine and go and create shit and make shit happen and send the email, create the program, sell the thing and all the while in the background, my body is pulsating with a twinge of fear or constriction or anxiety which is definitely NOT receiving mode.
Feminine energy is RECEIVING energy.
And I was reminded of this when my boyfriend came into my room this morning and kissed me and my whole body lit up in receptivity.
And I remembered a training from a mentor where she said that you MUST let the hormones of oxytocin and serotonin WASH over you, which is what happened when my boyfriend came into the room and I just admired how sexy he was. I was opening up and receiving his love in that moment.
So something I’m devoting myself for the rest of November is…
Instead of waking up, and doing a ritual like future self-journaling or writing down mantras or EFT tapping to eradicate limiting beliefs, I’m closing my eyes, putting my face next to the window to receive the warmth of the sun on my cheeks, and getting into receptive mode by listening to a voice audio I recorded where I am doing a visualization of me being at a bar next to a super attractive guy (in my visualization it’s my boyfriend) but you can visualize anyone no matter your sexual orientation, and feeling what it’s like to really be in that moment of total receptivity where you’re just so turned on and you just can’t help but smile and receive the attention from someone super freaking sexy and hot and attractive that you’re really into.
And then from this juicy, turned on, receptive state, I start my day feeling really relaxed and magnetic.
I’m a line 2 in human design which is “the hermit” and in gene keys it’s “the dancer or the natural” - which means I am really into being in my own energy Vortex and maintaining my own energy. My favorite thing in the world that really allows me to feel nourished is having a completely open and spacious schedule where I can just flow throughout the day. So my business model is a very scalable model that is mostly group coaching + my mastermind + voxer clients to give me the most spacious schedule ever with just a few calls per week.
So today I did a lower body workout class at 7:40, I came home and did my receptive mode meditation, and felt SO FREAKING YUMMY afterwards. Then ideas for content flowed so I wrote an email and created a Reel and then Amazon delivered a book I ordered. So I read a little on the couch and then my boyfriend and I went for coffee and got lunch. And all the while I just felt at ease, in flow, natural, receptive.
I relaxed a little, the inspo for another email came for my Black Friday sale, and then I got this inspo for this podcast.
It’s like when I started off my day in that receptive mode, I felt like I was in my own flow state or vortex throughout the rest of the day. And random spurts of creativity would come through. AND it’s really magnetic to my BF who worked from home today and kept coming into my room to jump on me! It was like I created more oxytocin within me and my BF couldn’t help but be pulled in.
Some other ways that you can maintain a feminine, receptive state throughout the day is by moving more slowly throughout the day or by taking more pauses throughout the day as you move from task to task.
When you come home from the gym instead of jumping right into the shower or immediately right into work, just relax and breath for 5 minutes.
Taking bigger, deeper breaths and deeper pauses throughout the day.
And then another big thing is to know what nourishes you.
For me, working out nourishes me. I love being in Australia because I love class pass!
In any given week I like to switch between Barrys, Reformer Pilates, and a weights based training program at Revl.
Another thing I’ve been working on lately is my GUT HEALTH. I’ve had serious gut issues and had a test done and it came back that I have a parasite, thin/leaky gut lining which is causing an autoimmune reaction, and overgrowth of bacteria in my small intestine. I have a ways to go to heal all of this but one thing I’ve had to eliminate as part of the SIBO protocol I’m on is gluten and dairy. But it’s helped my energy tremendously.
As someone who has a completely open sacral center, prioritizing my energy is like my number 1 job.
These days I’m only available for things that NOURISH me. Foods that nourish me, conversations that nourish me, friends that nourish me.
Anything that doesn’t feel nourishing to me, I am letting it go. I’m being really protective of my energy lately and it feels so good to not feel like I need to people please or GIVE more than I’m receiving.
I’m setting more boundaries and getting better at saying NO more and LETTING go of what I know isn’t serving me and nourishing me.
My boyfriend and I had to decide that we weren’t going to party and binge drink on the weekends until 5 AM because it royally fucked us come Monday morning. And I hated being hungover on a Saturday or a Sunday because those are my FAVORITE days to flow and be in my own energy as a line 2.
I also had to LET GO of spending so much money all the time because at one point it was nourishing for me to uplevel my skincare, my jewelry, but now that I don’t really need to buy anything, unconscious spending feels sick and not nourishing to me. What feels nourishing for me is having $100K in my bank account and deciding to never let it go below that. That feels nourishing.
For everyone, it will feel different but I decided on an energetic minimum that feels nourishing to have in my bank account and no more unconscious spending.
I also have a really rare authority in human design - it’s a self-manifested authority - my ego center is connected to my identity center - which basically means that whenever I make a decision - I am asking myself the question - am I doing this because I REALLY WANT TO?
Self-Manifested Authority is about having the courage to always do what you love in life. In that sense it is about being selfish without feeling guilty about it. I’m essentially here to carve a path where no one else has been.
I’m constantly checking myself - am I doing this because I really want to?
Or am I doing this because someone else wants me to?
I think there is definitely a feeling of PRESSURE in the online space to constantly push and strive for more money and more wealth because hey! It’s LIMITLESS! KEEP GOING!
But at what point did I prioritize hitting monthly money goals and milestones over my own nourishment?
I’ve come to the realization that I don’t want to PUSH anymore and I DON’T HAVE TO! I’m not built to have to push myself constantly. I’m naturally magnetic. I can decide today that I get to actually grow my business from a space of receptivity and ease and naturalness and effortlessness. Moving from force to flowww.
And it starts with just this simple switch of beginning my day in a receptive mode, and ending my night in a receptive mode as well as working on MAINTAINING and BEING IN that receptive Vortex all throughout the day.
2X per day I’m getting into a receptive vortex - morning and night.
At night my new boundary is shutting off Voxer and my phone at 8 PM and doing whatever feels nourishing for me that night. Netflix, a face mask, cooking dinner with my boyfriend, I’d say a bath but I don’t really like baths. Reading. Whatever my soul is craving.
I’m excited to see how this plays out over the next couple of weeks in terms of magnetizing money and dream clients so I will keep you posted!
Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo
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