When You're Obsessed with your Business, Traveling the World, and Thriving

business strategy launching Mar 23, 2023
Obsessed with your Business, Traveling the World, and Thriving

This post is about When You're Obsessed with your Business, Traveling the World, and Thriving. If you like this, make sure to jump into my free Telegram Group, where I share random RIFFS, BTS moments, what I’m currently working on/going through, and free tips & advice for women ready to create a freedom based life & business. 

Follow my life & travels on Instagram @thefemme_ceo and DM me to say hey! 

PS - if you’re looking for intimate sisterhood and high touch support -  I have a 4 month Mastermind called Ascension for coaches & healers looking to scale to 6-figures and beyond. I would love to connect with you now or in the future. To becoming Radiant + Rich, Laura Niese.


If you’re not head over heels in love with your business, then WYD?!

Towards the end of last year, I started to feel tired and annoyed of my business.

I started to think that business was HARDER than it used to be. That the “good old days” were over ๐Ÿ˜‚

But that’s because I stopped doing what worked best for me and started to adopt the business model of what was trending for so many.

Constantly launching and creating new offers was fun for a while, until it wasn’t ๐Ÿคช

Now I have literally the most simple offer suite, content plan, and passive funnels that bring me money in my sleep.

I work less than 3 hours per day

And creating content, launching, and selling is fun AF - even when I’m on the go traveling!

The thing that changed?

I needed to have more structure and simplicity in my business if I was going to travel, live a freedom life, AND earn consistent 5 figure months.

And everything is working like a charm.

While in Egypt I successfully launched a free 3 day workshop with over 100 signups, signed 3 clients, and the best part?

I’m literally having the time of my life!!!!

Ease, simplicity, creativity, and spaciousness are my vibes and I am so happy that I figured out a model that works for me AND I’m excited to bring the simplicity model to you!

The waitlist to Ascension 4 month mastermind will launch on March 30.

I only take 8 women at a time and it’s very intimate vibes.

If you’re after those simplicity vibes and a luxe freedom life with travel and adventure lights you up- watch this space for when the doors open soon!



If you’ve been in a cycle of IDEA →  CREATE → LAUNCH this year and you’re feeling a little tired and wanting to SIMPLIFY your business and offer suite, I have a juicy episode for you.

Why launching new offers all the time may not be working for you (and what to think about instead)

Inside we cover ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

→ Why launching new things all the time may be leading to a DECREASE in your sales

→ 3 things to think about if you want MORE people inside of your containers (and no, it’s not working on your mindset)

→ The POWER around building awareness around your offers and personal Brand




Did this blog post help? DM me on IG and say hey gorgeous and tell me what you loved! @thefemme_ceo


Ascension Mastermind is the go-to space for women who desire a fun community to thrive in while also learning the foundational frameworks and systems around messaging, sales, offer suite, marketing, audience growth and launching so that you can take what you learn and repeat all the way to your first 6 figure year and beyond. JOIN THE WAITLIST HERE.

Join THE FEMME CLUB my FREE Telegram Community where I show BTS of what I’m currently doing in my business, as well as deliver quick and potent weekly business trainings, AND I give exclusive discounts and deals that I don’t share with the rest of my audience. JOIN HERE!


Stay updated and follow my day on Instagram.

Follow me on IG here!